Comparison of SARIMA and BES for Forecasting Red Chili Production

  • Titin Agustina Department of Statistics, School of Data Science, Mathematics and Informatics, IPB University, Campus IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
  • Anwar Fitrianto Department of Statistics, School of Data Science, Mathematics and Informatics, IPB University, Campus IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
  • Indahwati Indahwati Department of Statistics, School of Data Science, Mathematics and Informatics, IPB University, Campus IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia


The goal of this study is to compare the performance of Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) and Bagging Exponential Smoothing (BES) models for forecasting red chili production. The secondary data used in this study came from BPS-Statistics Indonesia and the Ministry of Agriculture. The data include monthly national-level red chili production from January 2013 to December 2021. Data is analyzed using time series approaches such as SARIMA and BES. The performance of both systems was compared, and production forecasts were created using the best model. According to the research findings, for this dataset, the SARIMA (1,1,1)(0,1,1)12 technique outperforms the BES method since it has lower MAPE and RMSE values, 7.06 and 95,473, respectively. The best model was then applied to anticipate red chili production from January to December 2022, resulting in a highly accurate MAPE of 5.39.

Keywords: Bagging Exponential Smoothing, red chili production, SARIMA


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How to Cite
AgustinaT., FitriantoA., & IndahwatiI. (2025). Comparison of SARIMA and BES for Forecasting Red Chili Production. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 30(2), 333-339.