Vulnerability Level Of Small-Scale Fishery Businesses In Central Tapanuly, North Sumatera
Small-scale fisheries are often threatened by various factors in their operations, leading to vulnerability and potential business stagnation. This study aims to determine the level of vulnerability of small-scale fisheries in Central Tapanuli, focusing on six areas that influence business sustainability: natural, human, physical, financial, social and institutional. Data were collected using participatory methods such as questionnaires, interviews and observations, and analysed using the Likert scale method. The results of the analysis show that fluctuations in catch and weather conditions are the main challenges, while adequate storage infrastructure helps to manage raw material availability. Collaboration between business actors and market knowledge are recognised as key to managing market changes. Although access to finance and financial regulations are fairly good, fluctuations in fish prices and profits remain a problem. Physically, the majority of enterprises are privately owned with adequate tools and supporting infrastructure. However, there are still weaknesses in terms of advice, training, support, empowerment and access to assistance. Efforts are needed to strengthen cooperation, knowledge, infrastructure, access to resources and institutional support to increase the resilience of small-scale fisheries in Central Tapanuli.
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