Kajian Keamanan Pangan Kerupuk Petis di Kabupaten Kendal Jawa Tengah
Food Safety Study of Petis Crackers in Kendal District, Central Java
Food safety is a science that deals with preparing, handling, and storing food or beverages to be safe from physical, biological, and chemical contamination. The processing of petis crackers is one of the kinds of UKM in the district of Kendal, Central Java. The study aimed to determine the heavy metals of iron (Fe), lead (Pb), and other chemical characteristics, and also the questionnaire survey of the processing of petis crackers. The study is a descriptive study of an observational nature with a quantitative approach, namely by performing laboratory observations. The research also carried out qualitative observations in the form of a questionnaire about the process of petis crackers in the district of Kendal, Central Java. Petis were foods or products cooked as part of a group of sauces that looked thick, clay, and elastic. The results showed that iron (Fe) levels range from 48.00 to 82.00 mg/kg, lead (Pb) range from 40.00-50.00 mg/ kg, The average chemical characteristics of the two petis crackers are ash content of 2.45%, moisture content of 13.27%, protein content of 3.13%, fat content of 0.15% and carbohydrate by difference of 81.0%. The lead content of petis crackers exceeds the maximum limit of the standard set by the BPOM
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