Profil hematologi sapi pedaging pasca pemberian pakan komplit berkhasiat yang disuplementasi katuk depolarisasi (Fedtugrow®) di peternakan rakyat

  • Agik Suprayogi Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University


Fedtugrow® is a complete feed containing depolarized katuk leaf and beneficial for enhancing the productivity of both dairy and beef cattle. Depolarization technology in katuk leaf involves the removal of polar compounds from katuk leaf (Sauropus androgynous) to eliminate the potential side effect resulting from katuk consumption, such as bronchiolitis obliterans and inhibition of calcium absorption. This technology could eliminate the side effects without compromising the efficacy of katuk leaf in increasing milk production and body weight gain. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Fedtugrow® in promoting the growth of beef cattle and its impact on the health status of beef cattle raised in smallholder local farms with distinct characteristic compared to commercial farms. Ten Limousin male cattle entering the fattening phase were divided into control group consuming standard concentrate and a treatment group consuming Fedtugrow® for three months. The blood was collected at the end of treatment for haematological analysis, including erythrocyte and leukocytes profiles. Cows consuming Fedtugrow® showed a significant higher average daily gain and lower stress index compared to control. Furthermore, no significant differences were observed in haematological profile, such as total erythrocytes, haemoglobin level, hematocrit, and total leukocytes. This study showed the ability of Fedtugrow® as growth promoter without exerting negative effects on the physiological status of beef cattle raised in smallholder local farms.

Keywords: Beef cattle, Fedtugrow®, haematology, smallholder local farm


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How to Cite
SuprayogiA. (2024). Profil hematologi sapi pedaging pasca pemberian pakan komplit berkhasiat yang disuplementasi katuk depolarisasi (Fedtugrow®) di peternakan rakyat . Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, (00). Retrieved from