Karakterisasi Sifat Fisikokimia Sereal Berbasis Tepung Beras Merah Pecah Kulit
The purpose of this study was to formulate cereals from red rice, red beans, and sesame into the right food as a food consumed at breakfast and characterization of its physical chemistry. The cereal was made by extrusion method using an extruder with a temperature of 130°C and a rotating speed of auger, screw, and cutter 50 Hz. This study used a completely randomized design with 9 formulas. Based on the Bayes method, the best formula was F8 with a composition of brown red rice (85%), red beans (10%), and sesame (5%) cereals contained a total phenol compound of 0.10± 0.01 mg GAE/g, water content of 7.35±0.58%, ash content of 0.02±0.00%, protein content of 10.85±0.29%, fat content of 1.77±0.08, and carbohydrate content of 80.01±0.79%.
Keywords: breakfast cereal, brown rice, red beans, red rice, sesame
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