Skrining Senyawa Bioaktif Daun Perepat (Sonneratia alba J.E. Smith) sebagai Antioksidan asal Pesisir Kuala Bubon Aceh Barat. Screening of Antioxidant Bioactive Compounds from Mangrove Sonneratia alba J.E. Smith Leaves of The Coast Kuala Bubon, West Aceh

Mohamad Gazali, Nurjanah, Nabila Ukhty, Muhammad Nurdin, Zuriat


Mangrove Sonneratia alba is a potential source of antioxidant bioactive compounds and is utilizated by the coastal community of Kuala Bubon. The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of the mangrove leaves. Three solvents namely methanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane were used to extract the bioactive compounds. Based on the results the methanolic extract had the strongest antioxidant activity with IC50 value 26.68±2.2 mg/L whereas the ethyl acetate extract had IC50 33.37±3.4 mg/L and the n-hexane extract had the weakest antioxidant activity with IC50 value 35.37±2.5 mg/L. These results suggest that the mangrove (S. alba) leaves have promising prospectas a source of natural antioxidants.


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Mohamad Gazali (Primary Contact)
Nabila Ukhty
Muhammad Nurdin
GazaliM., Nurjanah, UkhtyN., NurdinM., & Zuriat. (2020). Skrining Senyawa Bioaktif Daun Perepat (Sonneratia alba J.E. Smith) sebagai Antioksidan asal Pesisir Kuala Bubon Aceh Barat.: Screening of Antioxidant Bioactive Compounds from Mangrove Sonneratia alba J.E. Smith Leaves of The Coast Kuala Bubon, West Aceh. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 23(2), 402-411.

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