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Medita Ivanni
Nunung Kusnadi
Suprehatin Suprehatin


The improvement of production  efficiency to increase the soybean production is necessary in this recent time. Increasing the soybean production can be done with the intensification and extensification program. This purpose of study is to analyze the technical level of soybean’s efficiency based on variety and production area in Indonesia and the factors that determinated it. This study used BPS data in five main soybean production area with 3 038 farmer observation. This research used Cobb Douglass stochastic frontier to analyze the production function. The result showed that soybean production based on variety and production area were efficien except outside Java. The production efficiency determined by type of land and farmer groups.


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IvanniM., KusnadiN., & SuprehatinS. (2019). EFISIENSI TEKNIS PRODUKSI KEDELAI BERDASARKAN VARIETAS DAN WILAYAH PRODUKSI DI INDONESIA. Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness), 7(1), 27-36. https://doi.org/10.29244/jai.2019.7.1.27-36


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