Yulianto, Gatot, Indonesia

  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 2 No. 2 (1996): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Studi Perbandingan Sistem Bagi Hasil Perikanan Lokal dengan Undang Undang Bagi Hasil Perikanan di Kecamatan Labuan; Jawa Barat
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 2 No. 3 (1996): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Peranan Subsektor Perikanan dalam Perekonomian Wilayah Jawa Barat
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles

    One of the water pollution sources at ciliwung river in Jakarta is domestic waste which from household who live in the long side ciliwung riverbank. The aim of the research are (1) to know characteristic of community who live in the long side ciliwung riverbank (2) to know the attitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank about waste disposal to the river, inpact of this and the program of clean river, (3) to know the community who live in the long side riverbank to carry out of disposal waste, (4) to know factors influence the attitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank factors to concem domestic waste (5) to know factors influence of the community who live in the long side riverbank to carry out of disposal waste (6) to know correlation between attitude with behave to carry out disposal waste The research used survey method and be analyzed with non parametric statistic.


    The research show the following, (1) attitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank about waste disposal to the river is neutral but about inpact and program of dean river are positive, (2) the community who live in the long side riverbank behave negative in cflSpOSal waste, (3) factors influence the altitude of the community who live in the long side riverbank to concern domestic waste are:· age, legality status, and the distance between their hose with the river, (5) correlation between attitude with behave to carry out disposal waste is negative.

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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 3 (2006): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Tourism of such maritime in the form of activity addressed to wide society exploitedly is environmental service of coastal area and go out to sea. Development of coastal area for recreation these days tend to increase, others the tourism also to support local economics .. Kalianda Resort own some facility which complete enough as a(n) area tourism therefore draw to conduct research hit model of request recreation of maritime tourism in Kalianda Resort with model of travel cost. Traveling expense of mean reckoned from a transportation; released by each; every visitor from same zona. Visitor coming from outside Provinsi Lampung more opting generally to stay with consanquinity, friend, or the cheaper lodging in Bandar Lampung, so that some visitor coming from outside Provinsi Lampung to conduct dot of departure from 'Bandar Lampung. Traveling expense of mean which its amount at least that is from zona of Metro and traveling expense of biggest mean is from zona Serang. Demand curve depicted to follow constant elasticity model with price elasticity value equal to 2,4759, meaning all changes in traveling expense equal to 1%, hence mount tourist visit will change equal to 2,4759%. Relation of between traveling expense mean ( P) with visit storey (0) from its correlation coefficient that is 0,79. The correlation coefficient value express that relation! Which enough sliver between P by 0, negative value from correlation coefficient show adversative direction meaning if traveling expense ( P) mount hence mount visit ( 0) will be downhill, conversely. Result from analysiS SWOT can be depicted in diagram analysis SWOT. From calculation result got the ordinate and abscissa dot (0,152;0,259) which lay in kuadran 1. position kuadran 1 representing situation that very beneficial, where organizer Kalianda Resort own strength and opportunity which can be exploited better. Correct strategy for this condition is support aggresive development policy.
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2007): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles
    Tourism by utillizing fishery and marine resources are divided within two parts, namely freshwater tourism and marine torism that is a special toursm by doing activities at seascape (under and surface waters) and landscape. One of the potential place to develop marine tourism is Gili Trawangan, Village Gili Indah, District Pemenang, Region Lombok Barat, Provincy Nusa Tenggara Barat. The uniqueness of biodiversity like coral reef and flora-fauna are tourism objects that tourist from domestic and foreign are interested. This study are aimed to analyze demand toursm, analyze consumer's surplus and establish some strategy for developing marine toursm at Gili Trawangan. The sampling method for this study are purposive sampling based on tourism activities of tourst and the toursts have jobs. Based on the result of study are known that parts of tourism industry are toursm atraction, toursm services and toursm transportation. Function of demand toursm are Ln Q = -0,773 -0,068Ln Xl + 0,051Ln X 2 +0,773Ln X3 ~ 0,358D Demand elasticity are -0,0068 that is the demand fungtion are elastic. Consumer's surplus at the Gili Trawangan at 2006 are US$ 8.724.613,25 per year. Strategy for developing marine toursm at Gili Trawangan are (a) Creating the tourism image to increase level visting, (b) Creating communication and patnership within managing resources (c) Establishing tourism perception by using natural resources and facility in order to positive impacs for community.  
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  • Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 8 No. 2 (2008): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan - Articles

    Marine communal property right or marine traditional right are marine property right is owned by communal and It is an important aspect for managing marine resources.. This study is aimed to describe and analyzes the components of institution of marine communal property right Result of this study is able to arrange management of marine reusources based on traditional property right by considering performances of economics, social and environmental.

    The institution of marine traditional right at coastal villages In Bintuni Bay is an organization system and is as a system of control to marine resources that are reffered.by (1) Jurisdiction of boundary that referring a region and a scope of owned authority by local communal and In this cases are established by (a) sense of community based on a familiar relationships and social relationships (b) homogenity; to exploiting marine resources for fullfill their needs together; (2) Property Right that is sourced from traditional laws based on legacy and from concensus among of members of community or other convnunlty. This communal prperty right In this. case is contain of social and economic aspect; (3) Role of representative that referring members of community to take a decision process to manage marine resources.


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